Thursday, May 29, 2014

Who is an American?

With the dust settling after Memorial Day weekend, or the so-called 'start' of grilling season and summer vacations, the excitement for one of my favorite times of year has been clouded by a pit of frustration I can't ignore anymore.  After a weekend of proudly flying American flags and endless tributes to those who have served and sacrificed for this great country, I was greeted on Tuesday morning with the usual back and forth bickering of articles pointing fingers at the other side.

This all has lead me to ask a few really simple questions: who is an American?  Are there any left? What is it that makes one an American?

It seems most, (and I say most, not all), people choose to be conveniently 'American' on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day, and a few other days when it's all the sudden the mainstream thing to celebrate.  And the other 350 days of the year, we are split into Conservatives and Liberals to the point of almost no return.  Am I the only one this really bothers? It seems as if these lines have become so divided, we are no longer "one nation, under God", but "one nation, choose a side, and don't dare mention God".  What has happened to the pride, the fortitude, the perseverance that made us the most sought after nation in the modern world in record time?  Where did the excitement of being able to choose your own adventure go?  What happened to personal responsibility and accountability?  What has happened to make working hard and being happy to enjoy the fruits of your labor criminal?  This is AMERICA - where we get the unbelievable privilege and right to wake up every day and CHOOSE how we want to spend that day.  Now a lot of people will disagree, but unless you are in jail, (which you probably chose to do something you shouldn't have), we have the freedom to choose how we live our lives.  It amazes me how many people truly do not understand how precious this is.  I remember someone telling me in college that at the end of the day we do exactly what we want.  If we didn't want to do it bad enough, we would have found a way to change it.  That goes for jobs, relationships, higher education, etc. Yet, we have an enormous number of people in the country who believe they are the victim, and in no way responsible for their situation, and much less, believe it's someone else, (usually the government's) job to provide for them.  Here's a newsflash: The government is not here to take care of you!! Their role is to provide and regulate legislation that gives its citizens the best chance to succeed, or at least are supposed too but that's a whole other can of worms.  The government is not here to make your life for you, that's why this country was founded in the first place, so people could quit living the life they were told to live and have the freedom to choose how they lived.  Yet it seems there is an increasing divide of belief of what role the government should play.

This is the core of my frustration - what happened to the American way?  Is there an American way left?  All I hear about is the conservative way or the liberal way, and they will fight to the death to get it their way, or at least make sure the other side doesn't get what they want.  But what do the people, (American people) want? What do the people, (American people) need? Unfortunately, we have a very small group of people, (politicians), making decisions for the rest of us and they are very out of touch with the needs of those they have committed to represent.  This country was founded on the principles of a country for the people, by the people.  Serving in the Senate or in Congress was meant to be a privilege - you come, serve your term for those you represent and then go back to work.  Politics wasn't meant to be a career, yet almost every one of them has made it one.  Does this not bother anyone else?  Does the fact that over 90% of the politicians who are supposed to be among us to represent us are in that 1% that so many were adamantly protesting a few years back?  (Don't put words in my mouth and assume I have anything against millionaires, in fact, I plan to join them as the fruits of my hard work pay off down the road).  Every policy, every politician, and most of all the citizens of this country have a defined side, and if that person/policy is represented by the other side, then to hell with it!  Where did this attitude come from?  I feel every time an election comes around, it's like the entire country is in divorce court litigation to see who gets custody for the next four years.  And maybe as an adult it's more noticeable to me now, but it seems to have gotten exponentially worse in the last four elections.

I think of the conversations I have with certain people.  Knowing their political affiliation, they will immediately defend their position, even if they know damn well they are absolutely wrong.  I think of my own beliefs, and as a small business owner, economically I lean very conservative.  I understand what makes the machine tick, and spending someone else's money faster than they can print it is never the solution.  However, I think of my stance on some social issues, and they would lean to the left side of the aisle, and guess what, I'm OK with that.  I'm very comfortable with my beliefs because I honestly believe they are best for the country and all who live here.  Not just me and my family, but for everyone.  I cannot stand the fact there is so much hatred and division in our country between conservatives and liberals, and the end does not seem to be in sight.  Many conservatives are well, conservative, and sometimes so conservative they cannot think outside the box long enough to understand this is the 21st century, times have changed quite a bit and it's time to adapt with them for the greater good.  However many of the "open-minded" liberals are anything but that, and not able to understand that this country can't progress, (and won't) without capitalism.

As a husband anxiously awaiting the birth of our second child, I think of the world I want my kids to grow up in, and what values and principles are important for them to understand.  I think of the role model my wife and I will be for them.  I think about how proud I am for them to have an uncle who serves proudly in the Marines.  I cannot wait for them to be old enough to understand my wife and I are living our dream of finally starting our own business, and  it will be a successful business thanks to our sweat equity, our commitment, and our dedication to work harder than anyone else.  I can't wait for them to know this world is exactly what you make of it.  That this world doesn't owe you a damn thing and doesn't care what your last name is or where you came from.  But with dedication, perseverance, a commitment to education both inside and outside the classroom, and a commitment to family, God and yourself, you are free to build your future.  I hope to instill enough confidence for them to stand up for what they believe in, even if it goes against the status quo, or even my beliefs.  I hope to educate them on how lucky they are to live in a country like America.  I hope they will understand America is a place where you can nurture ambition and channel that ambition into a productive output.

I also hope they will learn how to be an American.  I hope they will learn that a price has been paid for the freedoms we have.  A price has been paid by many to preserve all American rights, even the rights to those who believe what they do is wrong.  I want my children to understand there are many people who hate us just because we are American's and they will do whatever they can to try and rob us of our freedoms.  We are the backbone of what our military fights for, and we will always support them.  We are American's, we need to start acting like it.

I am Michael Woodard, and I am an American.